viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2007


A smooth sax and some good sex,
that’s what a godless gal needs.
Keep the devil in your pants,
let him slide between your knees.
Careful, careful!
Trifles truffles troubles rubbles
the smell of man is hard to rub off…

Rotten breath and sagging heat,
I think your love may have a leak,
A broken bone or some burnt hair,
But this patch here might do the trick.

I know that this you learned by heart
but death is sometimes hard to cheat,
so I’ll return, just half asleep,
(just half a woman),
torn apart,

like the defeated ghost of wasted time,
like the wasted ghost of a defeated rhyme,

to tell the world the bastard’s born,
to tell them he’s your only son,
a faceless creature left to die.

He doesn’t know he’s got your smile….

3 comentarios:

Tormentas dijo...

yo le quitaría el "the" en el último verso de la primera stanza, fuera de eso me parece perfecto! me imagino a allen ginsberg leyéndolo y me emociono!

lilith dijo...

me encanta!!!

Anónimo dijo...

ah me gusta... tiene versos amables y citables:

- I think your love may have a leak (...) but this patch here might do the trick

-I’ll return, just half asleep, (just half a woman),
torn apart, like the defeated ghost of wasted time, like the wasted ghost of a defeated rhyme

someone's got talent :P