miércoles, 30 de enero de 2008


I’ll keep trying to forget
'cause there’s no other way to remember,
To shake off the sweaty smell
Of another thought that gets dismembered.

I’ll keep going back and forth
Between the smoke of my last cigarette
And the raw aftertaste of satisfaction
That inevitably rings a bell
But falls apart with the slightest distraction
Inside the cotton sheets of a cheap motel.

There is a victory in knowing that I’ve done it again,
That I’ve managed to stand straight and declare,
Under the smooth light of your judgmental stare,
that I ignored the condescending chance of learning from my mistakes,

that I’m willing to commit the same crimes,
that I’ll continue writing the same rhymes,
licking the rough edges and riding the same thighs,
that I’ll relapse, fold, and collapse
under the historical reflection of things that won’t last.

3 comentarios:

charp dijo...

El poema: excelente, como siempre.

Por otro lado, respecto al otro post "surrealista". Me hizo recordar que había comprado hace poco un librito donde te describen todos los juegos que practicaban los surrealistas. Este particularmente me gustó. Lo transcribo tal cual del libro:

For a minimum of three players, although a larger number is preferable.
One player withdraws from the room and chooses for himself an object (or a person, an idea, etc..) While he is absent the rest of the players also choose an object. When the first player returns he is told what object they have chosen. He must now describe his own object in terms of the properties of the object chosen by the others, making the comparison more and more obvious as he proceeds, until they are able to guess its identity.
The first player shuld begin woth a sentence such as "I am an (object)..."

For instance:

I am a very beautiful female BREAST particularly long and serpentine. The woman bearing it agrees to display it on certain nights. From its innumerable nipples spurts a luminous milk. Few people, poets excepted, are able to appreciate its curve. -Benjamin Péret.

Answer (Milky Way).

Mmmmm estoy me ha dado ganas de poner uno de estos juegos en mi blog. Te exhorto a que me visites. jeje.

charp dijo...

Por cierto, mi herencia francesa siempre me ha hecho pensar que soy un surrealista trasnochado. Pero ni pizca de francés hablo. Merde.


I’ll keep trying to forget
'cause there’s no other way to remember.

Montse que increíble forma y visión tienes de la vida!
Me encantaron los poemas, voy a seguir viniéndo!!! Me gustó.

Bego Cosio