lunes, 4 de agosto de 2008


Welcome to the house where the prodigal son never came back,
to the wedding where we all drank water instead of wine,
to Lazarus’ funeral, where nobody asked him to rise and shine.

We can’t walk in water, but we can crawl through the ground.
Men hang from the trees, and women chant on their knees.
Ladies and gentlemen, keep up with me, please.

To your right, the place where Abraham killed his firstborn,
Where Job curses God whenever something goes wrong,
Where people with faith live in fear and despair,
And men with no soul smile to conjure a storm.

The tour stops here, where there’s nothing in sight.
We hope you enjoyed it, ‘cause there’s no way out.
You can’t die, you can’t cry, you can’t choose to be free,
But you’re free to choose how you want it to be.

6 comentarios:

Nuria (líquida felicidad) dijo...

niiiiiiiiceeeeeeeee, I enjoyed it

Anónimo dijo...

Hora de pasar del blog al libro, deja de perder el tiempo.

Hitlercito dijo...

la poesía debería estar al servicio del Estado!

un gusto seguir leyendo tus poemas, no hay mucho que decir, la buena literatura enmudece

Jack dijo...

Pues sí.
Así nomás: sí.

Anónimo dijo...

¿Es el Hotel California?

Montserrat dijo...
