jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008


I've been kinda numb lately,
kinda cold, lately...
like i've been struck in the head
with a hammer, lately...
like I wanna hug a teddy bear
real hard, lately...
like I have a marshmallow
for a brain,
all sweet and mushy,
all soft and runny,
with warts of burnt sugar
and teeth dents all over... yummy.

I've been different, lately...
all paranoid and suspicious
`cause I know, I found out
that the Big Bad Daddy of Everything that Is
decided to go take a piss
when it was my turn for creation
and, instead, just pointed a finger and said:
"Let's give her a couple of this
and some of that,
perhaps even a head to go with a hat.
I think she deserves a prominent chest,
and for the rest...
well... let's just hope for the best!"

And off I go!
The Frankenstein lady of all angels,
hiding my stitches with really long hair,
talking to bitches 'bout diets and men,
and wondering what if, what if, what if...

'Cause, like plants,
I grow better surrounded by shit,
I grow stronger and more alert.
That's why I need you, my dear provider,
and trust that,
after days and days of mechanical lust,
you'll be able to stay in character
and continue to fertilize my soul.

6 comentarios:

Tormentas dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Tormentas dijo...

si el 14 de febrero tuviera su propio grinch serías tú

Nuria (líquida felicidad) dijo...

jajajajaja es cierto jajaja

Hector Zagal dijo...

En ocasiones la entiendo, he pasado por trances análogos.

Ochoa dijo...

me gustan tus poemas

Ces dijo...

JAJAJA cause you had a bad day! you sing a song just to turn it around, you had a bad daaaaay, oh you had a bad daaaay

Tengo que decirlo, tus poemas en ingles son mis favoritos...NExt STOP: Random HOUSE JAJAJAJAJA (wink)